-How It Works-
No appointment is needed. Just come on in. Our studio seats over seventy, and we'll be ready to help you creaete something awesome.
1. Choose your pottery
We have hundreds of pieces of pottery to paint. Choose from mugs, vases, salt & pepper shakers, butter dishes, plates, platters, beer steins, wine glasses, banks, dinosaurs, dragons, planes, princesses, cupcakes, ornaments, animal figures, and holiday decor.
Mugs, animal figures and plates start at $20, and tiles at $8. No Studio fees!
2. Pick a table
Choose which table you would like to sit at in the studio. If you need a high chair or booster, let us know!
3. Order a drink (we have sodas, coffee, tea and more)
4. We'll explain how it works and offer lots of ideas
Let us know when you are ready for you quick lesson!
5. Select Your Glaze Colors & supplies
We have over 150 colors of glaze.
6. Paint Your Piece
This is the where the fun begins.
7. Add Detail
We love to help you create your piece. We have lots of tools to create amazing pieces-no artistic ability required! We have so many stamps, screenprints and tools to make it easy.
You pay the day you paint and pick up in a week.
Just wait...you're going to fall in love with this place.